Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Jigsaw Jones Mystery: The Case of the Mummy Mystery #6

Last week while garage sailing, my favorite summer activity, I picked up a few of books out of this series. I have never heard of them, but they sound super good!

The  books starts in the trees house in Theodore's backyard. Theodore is a detective. Joey was telling Mila and Theodore that Bobby told him if he ate a worm, he would give him a dollar. When Joey got done telling Mila and Theodore about this ordeal that was going to take place on Halloween, he told Theodore that he wanted to hire him as a detective so he could make sure feel Bobby didn't cheat him out of his dollar.

Theodore overhead his brothers whispering about something. He convinced them that they should tell him what was going on. They all decided they had to talk in the basement. as soon as they were about to tell Theodore, mom called down that it was dinner time. Theodore told his mom to call him Jigsaw like the rest of his friends do. They all headed up to dinner and Theodore was telling his parents about how Joey was going to eat a worm. With all the talk about worms, no one had the appetite for spaghetti. Grams was making jokes about how delicious the worms for dinner were.

After dinner the boys all headed down go the basement to tell Theodore about their secret. They told him that a mummy was the Halloween legend. The mummy was the one that took Mrs. Estep's cat, Twinkles a few years back. The mummy also turned Mr. Reilly's hair white when he saw him, and he nearly died of fright.

The next morning while waiting for the bus, Joey was working his way up the food chain, starting with eating an ant. He wanted to make sure he was ready go eat the worm on Halloween.  While on the bus, heading to school district everyone was talking about the mummy and what the mummy has done to people. Theodore decided it was time for Jigsaw Jones to be a private eye. He started to take noted.

Everyone at school was thrilled that it was Halloween. Besides the parties this was the day Joey was going to wat the worm. Eddie decided that Joey should get more than a dollar for eating a worm, and to do so he was going to sell tickets. Joey and Eddie would split the money in half.

To be continued......

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